Thursday, April 7, 2011

Amber's New Wheels!!

Yesterday Amber started her trial with a Rifton Mini Pacer Gait Trainer!
It's soo tiny!
 It took a lot of hands to get her all set up. 
From the left; Amber's early intervention therapist, me, my dad, the equipment vendor and Amber.
 Amber's taking a break here and we're learning about all the adjustments we can make.
 It took us almost an hour and a half to get her fitted right but once she was comfortable she loved it!
It has a ton of available adjustments which is perfect for Amber's strange shapes, you can't even tell one of her legs is shorter!
 It forces her to be in a standing position, something she's not totally used to.
Because of this it's going to be more work for her until she's used to it but she's already doing really well.
 It has a ton of "accessories" to help positioning. 
Amber is using the chest prompt, the hip positioner with pad and hand holds. Since this is the trial version it also has ankle prompts, hand loops and the guide bar attached (in previous pictures). 
 It's designed to grow with her and also change as she strengthens.
Everything can be removed so it can also be used as a regular push walker.
She really likes it and since the wheels can swivel and go sideways she's already able to move and go places she can't in her regular walker. Amber is still pretty much going backwards. The wheels have settings to change how easy/hard they roll and you can also put breaks/locks on so she can only move forward.

I took this video at the end of the day, so Amber's a little tired. She can move around with her body straight and her head upright. At this point she had just discovered that she could see the floor so she wouldn't look up at all. Sorry it's kind of long but you know how kids are as soon as I stopped videoing her she would move! I did miss her two tiny steps forward but I'm sure in no time she'll be all over the place!

We have the walker for about three weeks and then the therapist and us will have to decide how beneficial to her and her development it would be. 


  1. So thrilled to see how through the years things have advanced for Amber's sake. It is wonderful that you have yourself connected with the right people! I just love to hear about her everyday and see her progress. It is wonderful! My heart just flows over when I watch her. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This comment is coming from Fred's account so u know that it is from us..Love Linda

  3. Wow! - one can almost see the wheels turning in her head as she figures out how to get around with her new wheels! She's looks as if she's off to great start!!

  4. Awww...I love the video! What a doll she is and she looks so good in her new walker! Yay Amber, she must be so proud of herself!
